Music event for christmas

                     γράφουν οι  Παπακωνσταντίνου Μαρία και Παναγιωτοπούλου Σωτηρία, μαθήτριες της Β” τάξης

    On Monday 11 December a fascinating event took place in Alexandreia Imathias.According to the annual tradition the Mayor’s speech signalled the lighting of the Christnas tree and it was on that day that a well known singer ,called Stan ,gave a performance in our town.

Stan’s concert took place in the centre of Alexandreia on a stage which was put up specifically for this event .The stage was next to the ice-skating rink, which has a lot of visitors every day .Everyone was there. Adults ,teenagers and children.Of course ,my friends and i were standing in the front row next to the stage waiting for Stan to come out .While Stan was singing we kept screaming and we were all amazed.We were dancing with his catchy music and singing along  his lovely songs.The dark sky lit up by thousands of fireworks and everyone was having a great time.

When the concert finished Stan thanked the excited audience and gave some autographs.The performance was perfect and I and my company really enjoyed ourselves  .The Christmas period started joyfully and we really hope that everything will go on this way.Merry Christmas to everyone.!

