Ways to lose weight

By Maria Stathopoulou (B class)

Most people have as a goal for 2016 to lose weight. If you are interested too, there are some tips below.


If you consume more than 3lt water in a day, there will be not a lot of room left for junk food.

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  • Use a smaller plate.

It tricks your mind think there is more food on the plate.

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  • Walk a bit further.


  Take the stairs vs elevator.

  •  MOVE

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Get up and move with your friends or kids.

  •   Stop drinking coca cola and junk  


  Go for water.  Flavor it with fruit if you need to.

  • Eat 1-2 cups of veggies before lunch and dinner images (6)

  You’ll be too full to finish your dinner.  And that’s a good thing!

  •  Break up with your diet
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Make it a life style not a period of time.

  • Prepare

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Take food with you.  NEVER be hungry.  When you are hungry you’ll splurge and make bad food choices.

  • SLEEP need_sleep

You should sleep at least  7-8 hours a night


    Don’t forget that you can do it! You are strong enough to make it through. I believe in you. You are the only one who can do this. Be that change.






