Γράφουμε… απαγγέλλουμε και μας ακούτε … στα Αγγλικά!
There was a clown from Greece
Who liked to cook on his knees.
But one day suddenly
His life ended unexpectedly
We cried all day. Oh! What grief!
Ειρήνη Βαρδίκου
Σοφία Ασημακοπούλου
Δήμητρα Βασιλακοπούλου
Αρετή Βικτωράτου Β1
There was a girl having her hair brown
And the police suddenly started chasing her down.
She finally got caught
Having tied her shoelaces in a knot.
It proved to be the Queen wearing a crown.
Σόλωνας Καραγιάννης Β1
Once there was a town called Floopies
Where everyone loved to make cookies.
They baked them with sugar and butter
And every morning they’d yawn and mutter
That dieting is only for cooties’
Αναμπέλλα Γαλλοπούλου
Νικολίνα Ιωαννίδη Β1
I am thinking about liberty,
But I wake up in reality.
Changing the world,
Searching for a word
Without having the ability.
Σοφία Κόρδα
Γιαννούλα Μπάκα
Φαίη Κωνσταντινίδη Β2
There was a kid named May
And she was hanging out with Jay.
She was fantastic
And her friend enthusiastic,
And they were wandering around all day.
There was a girl named Savanna
And with her friend she went to Havana.
They were wandering all day
Because they had lost their way
Until they found a duty-free shop and bought a Dolce Gabanna.
Μαρία Λιαποπούλου Β2
There was a cooking group
Who made the tastiest soup.
They worked hard
To pleasure their heart
And to reunite the old troop.
I was coming from Japan
And took a train to Sudan.
I made a mistake
And I stopped at a lake
Near a place called Iran.
I was shopping in July
With a friend in Hawaii.
We had a fright
When coming across a fight
So we went to Paraguay.
Ηλιάνα Τσελέντη
Άρτεμις Παπαγιαννοπούλου Β2
There once was a man from Liverpool
Who liked playing American pool.
After joining the team
He ate an ice-cream.
This man who played football really cool.
Τιμόθεος Χριστόπουλος
Νίκος Ρούσσος Β4
There was a young boy named Boo
Whose favorite color was blue.
He took his dragon to Hawaii
And told a terrible lie:
That he was babysitting his sister Sue.
Μυρτώ Ψαράκη
Ευτυχία Τσουτσάνη
Αναστασία Χιόνη Β4
Once upon a time there was a dark knight
Who always rose to the light.
But then Bane came,
And the knight ate a sugar cane
Having saved the city of Gotham in one night, he had another bite.
Κώστας Τσεκλένης
Μιχάλης Τσιβγούλης
Λευτέρης Μαντάς Β4
There was a little boy named Mike
And his favorite brand was Nike.
He went down to the shop
But unfortunately he had to stop
Because he ran into a car with his bike.
Γιάννης Παπατρέχας
Μάκης Τσοπάνογλου Β4
There was a young boy named Bond, James Bond,
Who saw an assassin who was blond.
He wore a beautiful shirt,
Saw the girl in a long skirt
And finally went to a restaurant and ate jambon.
Δημήτρης Σταματόπουλος
Σπύρος Σταυρόπουλος Β4
There was a sweet little puppy called Snoopy.
All day the dog felt very droopy.
A young boy saw it and said hello
And he decided to cross the road
Then the puppy barked to say yioopy.
Ειρήνη Τζάρτζου Β4
There once was a girl named Penny
Who was married to the handsome Denny.
They went on vacation to the Bahamas
But they forgot their pyjamas
And to everyone’s grief Penny forever left Denny.
Παναγιώτα Χάιδα
Γεωργία Χατζηλυγερούδη Β4
There once was a student in Mali
Who had a friend named Ali.
He went to a deli
And met the teacher of Bruce Lee
Whose name was really Charlie.
Πάνος Μαραθιάς
Θοδωρής Συμεωνίδης Β4
There once was a girl named Vasilina
Who liked eating rice Carolina.
She woke up one night
And went to the fridge full of pride
But the rice had been eaten by her friend, Lina!!!
Βασιλίνα Καούρη
Λίνα Καβούρη Γ2
One day some friends were travelling away
And suddenly realized they had lost their way.
One of them said now,
“Oh my God! I saw a cow!
Let’s ride it and go to Broadway!”
Αναστασία Χαλκοματά
Αγγελική Χιόνη
Βίκυ Χαραλαμποπούλου
Λέανδρος Τσιώτος Γ4