Στήλη: Collabroration with other schools

Nice Summer

May Day 2017

The Primary School of Kalos Agros Drama, Greece , May 1st, May Day! from Ipermahia Hristodoulou on Vimeo.

etwinning Our School Newspaper

etwinning Our School Newspaper

TwinSpace A School Newspaper.Students in teams are young reporters and create a monthly Newspaper with the support of their teacher.

xmas etwinning activities

the olive and the olive oil by the pre-schoolers

The olive oil by the 2nd graders

By the 1st graders

Aesop’s «the ant and the cricket»- food in our environment

Aesop’s «the ant and the cricket» by the All-Day Primary School young reporters. Δείτε στο video.sch.gr

Parents” Association: A healthy breakfast at school

By the young reporters of the All-Day Primary School Δείτε στο video.sch.gr

Η Κυρά Δημοκρατία της Κωνσταντίνας Αρμενιάκου

Η Κυρά Δημοκρατία της Κωνσταντίνας Αρμενιάκου

Δείτε στο video.sch.gr
