
ΑΠΟ: Γαρμπιδάκη Σοφία - Απρ• 20•13


  Hello!My name is Sophia Garbidaki and I am a teacher.It’s 8 o’clock and I must go to the school.My class is ST1.Today,my pupils will write a Maths test.So,I must copy 25 papers for all my students.

  It’s 10 o’clock.All the children are writing the test.Oh,a girl wants to ask something!!»Mrs Sophia,I can’t understand this exercise»she said to me.I am sitting on a chair and I am waiting my pupils.Wlile they are writing the test,I will prepare the next lesson,Geography.This week,we will learn about Asia and the next week we will write a test for Asia.Now,I must prepare all lessons for today.Geography,language and science.The most difficult lesson for me is Science.It is difficult for the pupils,too.

  Oh,7 pupils gave me their tests. About 15 minutes,I will get the tests from the children and end the lesson. We will continue with Geography.

  Now,all children ended the test.Now,I’m talking about Asia.The class is quiet.All are listening to me.The lesson is very interesting,I think.»Asia is a very big continent next to Europe.Can you tell me a country which is in Asia?».No one told me.»I will tell you a country.China»I said. «You will learn 10 countries in Asia,for Thursday».

  Now,it is break time.Al pupils are outside.I am in the classroom and I am preparing the next lesson,Language.We will learn about the irregular verbs.I know,it is difficult but the children can learn it very well.

  It’s 2 o’clock.I must go to my house,now.I am very tired and I will go to my bed ande sleep.I am exhausted!!Now,I will wait the next day,Wednesday!!Bye for now!!

Sophia Garbidaki

