by Tsitziloni Irene ,Class A-Advanced
New York, the former ‘New Amsterdam’ ,is located on the east coast of the USA and is the most populous city of the country,where the true population exceeds 8 million and the area reaches 780 square klm.
The modern name was taken in honour of the Duke of York,the historical town of England.It is one of the country’s main financial centers .In New York ,you can see the famous Wall Street,the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building.New York is famous for its skyscrapers and its neighbourhoods,including the famous Greek one:Astoria.
The Statue of Liberty is a large sculpture ,which depicts freedom as a female figure,holding a torch in her raised right hand and in the left a plate,on which a date is indicated:July 4 ,1776: the Independence Day of the United States.
The statue dominates Liberty Island ,at the entrance of New York harbour.
The idea of the statue belongs to the French historian Edouard Rene’ de Laboulaye ,who proposed to build a monument in honour of the French-American friendship.In 1874,Frederic Bartholdi ,an experienced sculptor ,began working in Paris for its construction.The colossal statue was dismantled into 350 pieces and moved to the USA in 1885,where it was assembled again.
The statue weighs 205 tonnes and its height is 46 metres. 146 steps lead to the top(the crown ),where there are 24 windows .
The United States Congress decided to place the statue on this island,where it is visible to anyone who enters or leaves the port of new York.It was inaugurated in 1886.The base of the statue hosts the Immigration Museum .
The Statue of Liberty has been declared a Unesco World Heritage Site .
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