Τhe phenomenon of mixed ethnicity classrooms


In one of our lessons with  ΣT2 ,we  discussed   and analysed  the phenomenon of mixed ethnicity classrooms .This is the essay that  David Merenidis  wrote  in the English test of the first semester .


There  is  no  doubt  that  everything  has  led  to a multicultural society,containing  all types of races ,cultures  and  kinds  of  people.It is therefore well understood  that  this   phenomenon  has  appeared  into  both  public  and private  schooling.There  can  be both  good  sides and  bad  sides deriving  from this.

One great  benefit  which  multicultural  classes  enjoy  is that ,with  the adequate effort  to  uncover  morals, ethics  and ideologies of a foreign  student ,the students  who have been  born  there  can   learn more  about  other places of the world ,without even giving the effort of   travelling.This provides   them  with  another  benefit : the students’  mind  is  broadened  and  they  have a chance   to  discover  a  way  of  thinking  which  may  express  them  more.

However ,some downsides  of  this  phenomenon  can  be  noted as well.One  of  them  is  that  the teaching of subjects  can  be slowed  down  due  to the difficulty  of  foreign  students  to  adapt  to  their  ( relatively  new )  environment.

In  conclusion, governments  around  the world  must adapt  to  the undeniable existence   of  multiculturalism  ,as  well as,  change  their  schooling  methods ,so  foreign students  can feel  more  humanely  and less like  ‘’foreign’’ entities ,which  just  happen  to  be in  the same country.

Things, however , are not expected  to change  at  a quick pace. Along with the governments’  methods ,the common people’s way of thinking must  change too.And  this means eradicating  racism  and prejudice from the minds of  the people who tend to think  that anyone who happened to  be born in a place  that is different from theirs is a ‘’foreigner’’ and a useless entity around the  community.

