by Kostantinos Chatzilygeroudis
I just wanna have fun! It’s sad to hear that from young people. People that are just beginning to live. People on whom the world counts on for the future. People! It’s sad to know that they’re just giving up! Giving up on love, friends, on everything! And just looking to have fun! And it’s sad because they don’t know what they’re missing! Because having fun and enjoying the moment is just like a bomb! It blows. It affects its surroundings for a short period of time and then it’s gone! Only some shattered pieces of glass or plastic or wood remains there lying on the ground showing that something was here! And after a period of time nothing’s left at all! Nothing’s left to show that here exploded a bomb! Nothing but the damage that is so difficult to fix! But loving someone truly and letting them in is like a thousand little bombs that bombards you every single day! Every single moment! And these bombs as they’re small, they don’t make damage if they’re properly taken care of! Instead, they get you higher and higher! And they never let you feel empty or lost! You explode along with them and that’s the best feeling you can get in this life! Love! I read once somewhere that love’s the best story of all! Not only love is the best story of all but also love is what us people are made for! We’re made to love. To learn how to love. To make the best use of our potential! Our potential that’s so big! No other creature in the world can feel like us humans do! No other kind of life in the world can love like us humans do! And yet we forget that potential and gift that we’re given, and greedily we just “survive” like animals do! We’re going so wrong and still no one seems to notice! We’re all in such a rush! That it is too much for us to think other than job! And when we do actually have time to think, we have forgotten how it’s done! We can’t think properly! Our thoughts are a mess just like our soul is!