Γράφοντας ιστορίες στα Αγγλικά


Γράφοντας ιστορίες στα Αγγλικά.

Πηγή έμπνευσης στάθηκε μια φωτογραφία στο βιβλίο των Αγγλικών. Από εκεί κι έπειτα αφήσαμε τη φαντασία μας να καλπάσει και ιδού τα αποτελέσματα… Η μια ιστορία καλύτερα από την άλλη, αλλά τελικά επιλέξαμε να μοιραστούμε μαζί σας την ιστορία της Σταυρούλας.
The spirit of the lumberjack*

Deep in a forest in Canada, lies a wooden house. The wind is howling through the tall trees that surround it. It was built about one hundred years ago by a lumberjack who had decided to earn a living by cutting down trees and selling wood to people in nearby villages. Although he was alone, he decided to build a very large house so that one day he would be able to get married and raise his children in the beautiful nature.

The house which was once very beautiful and in good condition is now about to collapse. It’s rectangular with a big front door, four side windows, an attic, a dilapidated roof with holes in it and a broken chimney. All the wooden boards supporting the house are ready to fall apart.  It has a ghostly appearance and nobody dares to walk it.

The legend has it that one day the lumberjack went into the woods to work as he had done hundreds of times before. On that particular day he never came back home. The local people say that the living trees were angry with him – he had cut down so many of their brothers- and they wanted to punish him. So, when he took his axe to cut down a four hundred-year-old gigantic tree, the massive branches opened up like a big hands, scooped him up and swallowed him deep down into the trunk of the tree.

Ever since the lumberjack has never been seen and people say that when the wind howls and the trees sway they can hear the lumberjack’s cries for help echoing from the walls of the abandoned house. Until now the eerie haunted has never been approached as the spirit of the lumberjack lurks* inside it.

Σταυρούλα Ζυγούρη (Β1)

*lumberjack=ξυλοκόπος                                                                               building

*lurk =παραμονεύω
