6o Geniko Lykeio Trikalwn is a General Senior High school of Secondary education in Trikala. The school brings together students from the city and surrounding areas. 152 students aged 15-17 attend it and are taught various subjects as part of the compulsory curriculum. Some students come from a deprived background and are given few opportunities for a broad education. Yet, they exhibit an interest in Science considering how many participate in national Science competitions and environmental campaigns. Emphasis is placed on ICT, Science, Foreign Languages, Maths, Greek and the development of social skills, active citizenship, initiative and cultural knowledge. There are 24 teachers some of whom hold a Master’s degree, speak at least 1 foreign language and are computer literate as ICT is a vital part of the teaching process. Knowing the importance of learner involvement in school projects, they organise environmental, cultural, health education programs and support innovative actions.
Our school in the context of the implementation of the European program ERASMUS+ KA210 Communicating and Learning is Life changing- C.L.I.L., which concerns the use of foreign language in education and lasted 18 months from 31.12.2022-30.06.2024 had as partners the Scientific Assosiation For the Promotion of Lifelong Learning (SAPLle) (Greece), the Bilingual Junior High School, Wiener Neustadt (Austria) and Lukioliikelaitos Tavastia Hameenlinnan Lyseon Lukio (Finland).
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