Quizizz. Playing and learning. eTwinning project «Descubre tu talento».

Today our eTwinning Team played with quizizz trying to understand better «Greek Gods and Goddesses» things about «Pamplona» and «SAN COSTANTINO CALABRO» all in English language. Last, a challenge was made for the students so as to try and answer questions about Pamplona in Spanish language.

The team work helped our students to better understand the topics under discusion.

Hoy nuestro equipo eTwinning ha jugado a un cuestionario intentando entender mejor cosas sobre «Dioses y diosas griegos» sobre «Pamplona» y «SAN COSTANTINO CALABRO», todo en inglés. Por último, se lanzó un reto para que los alumnos intentaran responder preguntas sobre Pamplona en idioma español.

El trabajo en equipo ayudó a nuestros estudiantes a comprender mejor los temas en discusión.

#eTwinning #descubretutalento #discoveryourtalent
Descubre tu talento – Proyecto eTwinning
Γυμνάσιο Σαραβαλίου – Junior High School of Saravali


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Georgios F. Giotopoulos is the Headmaster of Junior High School of Saravali, Patras, Greece. He has 22 years' experience as an adult trainer in the field of vocational training. His interests concern transformative learning and especially transformative learning through aesthetic experience, vocational training, adult education, education management, and teachers’ evaluation. https://eap.academia.edu/GeorgeGiotopoulos https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Georgios_Giotopoulos2

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