Time Management



            In the society we live in, the concept of time is extremely important. With appointments at a specific time, work hours and school hours in general and especially now as a student I see it more than ever that time determines our way of life.

The most difficult and probably one of the most important aspects of student life is time management. It’s very difficult to find the balance between everything. Personal time and life are necessary but for some people, homework and obligation are at top of their list of priorities. «I don’t feel tired mentally, or that I don’t have the abilities to perform, I just need more time, a few more hours per day to achieve everything that I want to.», said a 16 years old student. But time can not be increased.

Nobody can answer what or how the time is, however, we do compare it. We reduce travel time, communication time is instantaneous and we are in real-time. The stock of time is the same for everyone but everyone resets it differently. Expressions like «gain time» or «waste time» show that time is relative.

The world we live in «forces» us to live at a stressful pace. Everything is done right on time and it seems that everything is in a state of emergency. Furthermore, everything changes too fast and we can’t find anything stable that satisfies us. Just as we understood how our computer functions we have to change it and find a new one for the «new generation». The world has become a combination of every situation, possibility and thought that are entangled with each other and form a new reality.

This phenomenon is the result of generalized digital communication. After 2000, a new element was introduced, smartphones, that overcover the need for communication. With this miraculous device, it was like opening pandora’s box. Of course, the internet is really helpful but new technology has influenced the society we live in.

Moreover, there is globalisation. Today we live globally in a big society that is not limited by borders and distances. We know about everything at every moment of every day. This causes anxiety because we worry about everything that happens on the planet and although this empathy is generally a positive aspect, it is a problem for us.  We fill secluded, trapped in a whirlwind of worries the natural disasters, the misfortune of victims, the pressure of social media… While the problems keep growing, the time to face them does not expand.

In conclusion, the way and the rhythms of life are very stressful. We don’t pay enough attention to our real needs and we act just like machines. However, we are people and we do get tired, we need to sleep and we have biological needs that can not be ignored just because we don’t have enough time for them. We all have many obligations and it’s high time to find a balance between everything that happens.

Evi Christantoni, B5

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