To click or not to click should always be the question
Before you click on a link, take it into consideration
And do not share personal information
Protect yourself from internet–it can be harmful
So be careful
Your safety in it
Can always be a trick
The human who has made it wants it to appeal
But you are very clever
Never have I seen anyone like you ever!
So, since you are intelligent
You won’t give anyone your personal ‘elements’
Do not post things which are embarrassing
Protect your friends and you from blushing
And think before you click,
You post,
You send whatever can make you or others hurt
The cyber world is full of tricks
It can be bad if you think too quick
Keep your anger out of posts
Or you will regret being the host
And if you accidentally click
I advise you to press ‘delete’
Avoid others’ negative attention
Or you will face much frustration
Just ignore suspicious links
Don’t take a look, even an eye blink
Do not share your password, keep it to yourself
It’s easy for others to destroy your mental health
And if this happens don’t hesitate to ask for help
Hoping you take my advice
Things on internet can stay for ever and are not always nice!
Internet posts are like dice,
No change is possible, so don’t tell lies
Inform your parents and family
I know it’s difficult but badly needed
Don’t be afraid and tell the truth
Just show the ignorance of youth
I understand you,really
How difficult it is to feel me
So take some last advice from my clever mice
And hear them talking twice:
Make sure a link is safe
Type it on to your browser first
And if you see the danger coming
Close your eyes and it’s morning
Be cautious and ask for help
Wherever you are say how you felt
Reveal your problem to your loved ones
Do not trust the other ones
Ask and learn
Warn the others
They will earn
And what I most would like to say
Is share your problems
But not your personal day
Keep it to yourself
Be careful
Because the Web can well be hurtful
Don’t click, don’t click
On any link
Be careful forever
And I promise we will be together!
Rania Antoniou
(B’ Class)