Pupil 1:
Good morning. Can you introduce yourself in a few words, please?
Good morning. Yes, of course. My name is Julia Dallner and my subjects are English and Crafts. I have been a teacher for 17 years now. I also have native speaker lessons, as my mum is from England and my brother and I, we have been brought up bilingually.
Pupil 2:
How. And when did you become involved in CLIL?
Well actually, when I started teaching at the Bilingual Junior High School. And then of course, when my mom talked English to us.
Pupil 1:
What are the main problems and challenges for teachers working in content and language integration?
It is sometimes difficult to find appropriate material. As our students are willing and eager to learn a second foreign language, their motivation is really high.
Pupil 2:
Are there any CLIL school books for your subjects in Austria?
There are some books, especially for Biology or Geography, but more, of course, are always welcome. We mainly prepare our own worksheets or we try to find appropriate material on the Internet.
Pupil 1:
What would you say are the most positive aspects of teaching through English?
Well, the pupils do not only gather or learn specific words, phrases in different subjects, but they also profit from colloquial talks during the breaks and the lessons and this is, in my opinion, often very necessary to be able to speak a foreign language, in our working world and our students definitely profit from our school profile.
Pupil 2:
What do the parents of your pupils say about their children learning in English? Have you received any feedback from them recently?
Our parents are very satisfied with what we are doing and we often get positive feedback, as our pupils have hardly any troubles in further schools.
Pupil 1:
Did your own children attend CLIL classes?
My son does not attend school yet, but I try to talk a lot of English to him, so let’s see what the future brings.
Pupil 2:
What do you see as the future for CLIL in Austria? Do you think it will expand?
I do hope so, that it expands. I think it is a great possibility for children to learn a second language and to broaden their horizon, also for different cultures and traditions.
Pupil 1: Thank you.
Pupil 2: Thank you.
Teacher: You’re welcome, bye.