This year the school acquired the Edison robot.
Edison (https://meetedison.com/) is a lego-like robot in toy car form. It is designed, not only as an autonomous robot, but also as a robotics system that is easily expandable using LEGO® bricks.
It is a product of the Australian company Microbric, which deals with the development of robotic systems. Brenton O’Brien, creator of Edison and founder of Microbric, says he developed Edison as an affordable robotics teaching tool for schools. It is durable and easy to use.
It has infrared sensors that allow it to avoid obstacles and follow a black line, perceive sounds and light intensity. Its programming is done in any operating system through the graphical environment of the programs: EdWare, Edblocks, Edscratch and EdPython. It is also programmed using Barcodes.
The students at our school are excited about Edison, learning to program it and playing with it.