September and October are adjustment months for kindergarten students. The anxiety of separation from
the parents is still intense. A favorite toy from home to school is a way to reduce stress. Makes children
feel safe, reduces their anxiety and helps deal with fears.
In the October activity εach pupil brings and presents to school his / hers favorite toy
and present it to the class. He/she talks to us about it and answers the following questions:
1. How did you get the game?
2. How does it make you feel?3. How is it played?
4. If the toy had a voice what would he tell us?
Pupils talk about their toy. How they spend their time together, how they feels when they holds it
in their hands. They share the toy with their friends and play with it.
Τeachers take a photo of every toy that comes to school and at the end makes a digital collage.
Each school’s collages come together to create one big game poster.
Students see other children’s Toys. They discussed the similarities and differences.