«KPD5: Kindergarten play designers» is a eTwinning project that aims to enrich the field of games chosen by kids. Pupils will deal with different game categories and they will take the role of game designer. During the project there will be a continuous interaction through play with school partners. Concepts of tradition, country culture, creativity and imagination will be promoted. Social and environmental concepts will be promoted too. Pupils will learn to play many games and they will acquire a proper player attitude. They will also learn what is the structure and philosophy behind a game so that they can become game designers and makers. Educational goals from pre – school curriculum, will be achieved with creativity and active action.
Through KPD5 Pupils is going to:
1. Communicate with their classmates and with students from other countries.
2. Get to know different cultures and perceptions.
3. Deal with different fields of knowledge (Language, Math, STEAM, Science).
4. Come into contact with technology devices and applications. Take on the role of game designer and deal with construction technology.
5. Participate in expressive forms of physical, visual, theatrical action in relation to the cultural context.
The project is based on the cooperation and interaction of partners. Teachers, students and parents will be in constant communication and collaborative products will be created. Pupils will have an active role in the learning process through play. They will observe, describe, search for information, experiment with different materials, create, compare, select and develop the educational project.
The project will be divided into four time periods. Each time tpupils will engage in a different category of game. Collaboration between schools will be done regularly through electronic applications that will be used. In each time period there will be a digital meeting of students. At the end of the project there will be an evaluation meeting. The main concern is the playful process of learning through cooperation.
The expected outcomes of this project are for pupils to acquire a proper player attitude. They will apply mutually agreed upon rules while managing victory and defeat. Through various forms of play they will learn the concept of justice, coexistence and respect.
The project will have many cooperative products such as creating a cooperative board game, creating an improvised game, writing a book with the correct behavior of the player, creating a game museum, etc. All these help the students to achieve the educational goals with creativity and active action.
Puplis through play will:
1. Develop communication techniques, Skills of Teamwork and cooperation.
2. Form a better image of themselves and their capabilities.
3.Gain better emotional awareness.
4. Understand that they are part of a larger whole.
5. Appreciate cultural action at a local and wider level.
6. Syllabus objectives of various cognitive fields will be achieved (Mathematics – language – natural sciences)
7. Know the correct and creative use of technology.
8. Understand its possibilities and its use in everyday life.
9. Develop skills and attitudes through building games such as creativity, decision-making, responsible behavior, decision-making, positive and responsible attitude towards the environment.
10. They will understand the possibilities of artistic expression through the arts to achieve social goals.