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Στο σχολείο μας αγαπάμε τη μουσική!! Γι αυτό και δεν μαθαίνουμε μουσική μόνο με τη μουσικολόγο μας, αλλά ακούμε μουσική ακόμα και στα διαλείμματα .. ακόμα και με το καλημέρα σας πριν κάνουμε προσευχή!! Ο Διευθυντής μας επιλέγει για μας ποιοτική Ελληνική μουσική από αγαπημένους συνθέτες, στιχουργούς, ερμηνευτές και μας προσκαλεί να τους γνωρίσουμε και να μάθουμε περισσότερα πράγματα για τη ζωή και το έργο τους! Μέχρι σήμερα έχουμε ακούσει την υπέροχη μουσική του Γιάννη Σπανού, του Σταύρου Ξαρχάκου και του Μάνου Λοίζου!! Και έπεται συνέχεια! Εσείς τι γνωρίζετε γι αυτές τις μεγάλες προσωπικότητες του Ελληνικού πολιτισμού; Ποιές είναι οι αγαπημένες μελωδίες σας από αυτούς του σπουδαίους μουσικούς;
Biographies (Πηγή: Wikipedia)
Ioannes «Giannis» Spanos was a Greek music composer and lyricist. In his early days as a musician he was also a piano accompanist. Spanos won the music prize at the 1971 Thessaloniki Film Festival for composing the score of the film Ekeino to kalokairi. He was born in Kiato in 1934. His father was a dentist. Spanos was influenced by his sister’s piano studies, and moved to Athens at the age of 17 to study at the National Odeum where he learned to play the piano. His father wanted him to become a scientist so he sponsored a yearly trip around Europe; Spanos lived briefly in Italy, Germany and the UK, eventually coming to Paris, France, whereto he eventually moved more permanently in 1961. In Paris he worked in the artistic scene at the Rive Gauche as a piano accompanist. He accompanied there many French artists like Cora Vaucaire, Serge Gainsbourg, Béatrice Arnac and Juliette Gréco. It was in Paris and in French that he wrote his first songs; an example is the song Sidonie that was sung by Brigitte Bardot in the film A Very Private Affair. When he eventually moved back to Greece, he was pivotal in the creation of the Greek New Wave genre. He continued composing music, including soundtracks for films; his songs have been sung by many Greek singers including Keti Chomata, Arleta, Giannis Poulopoulos and Dimitris Mitropanos.
Click on the link that follows to listen to Giannis Spanos music from the film Εκείνο το Καλοκαίρι
Stavros Xarchakos is a Greek composer and conductor. He was born in Athens, where he studied at the Athens Conservatoire. He has family origins from the Mani Peninsula. He emerged in the Greek music scene around 1963, composing music for the theatre and cinema. Among his collaborators was lyricist Lefteris Papadopoulos and singer Nikos Xylouris. In 1967 he went to Paris to study with Nadia Boulanger. He stayed in Paris for four years, and then studied with David Diamond at the Juilliard School of Music in New York. He served as director of the National Orchestra of Greek Music. He was later involved in politics and was elected Member of the Greek Parliament twice, before becoming a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from 2000 to 2004. He was again a candidate for the European Parliament with New Democracy, in the elections of 25 May 2014, but was not elected.
Click on the link that follows to listen to Stavros Xarchakos music Τα μεγάλα τραγούδια
Manos Loïzos was one of the most important Greek music composers of the 20th century. He was born on 22 October 1937 to Greek Cypriot immigrants in Alexandria, Egypt. His parents came from the small village of Agioi Vavatsinias, in the district of Larnaca, Cyprus. Loizos moved to Athens at the age of 17 intending to study pharmacology but soon gave up his studies in order to concentrate on his musical career. He was a self-taught musician, with no formal musical arts training. His first recordings were made in 1963 but he started gaining a larger audience after 1967. By 1975 Loizos had become one of the most popular artists in Greek music. He died on 17 September 1982 in a hospital in Moscow, Soviet Union after suffering several strokes. He was well known for his leftist political ideology and was an outspoken critic of the Greek military junta. He was also an active member of the Greek Communist Party. The year 2007 was declared «Manos Loizos Year» in Greece.
Click on the link that follows to listen to Manos Loizos music Δέκα διαμάντια του Μάνου Λοΐζου