Easter Chick Craft Using Popsicle Stick
This Easter Chick Craft Using Popsicle Sticks is a fun and easy way to get in the spirit of Easter. It provides a great opportunity to get creative and have a good time!
Materials Used:
White Sheets
Card Stock
Glue Stick
Yellow Sheets
Marker (purple, blue, orange, and yellow)
Black Sketch
Here’s how to make it:
What materials do I need to make the Easter egg chick craft?
You will need popsicle sticks, yellow and orange construction paper, glue, a black marker, and scissors.
How many popsicle sticks do I need for the Easter egg chick craft?
You will need 4 popsicle sticks for each Easter egg chick craft.
How do I cut the construction paper for the Easter egg chick craft?
Cut the yellow construction paper into an oval shape for the body of the chick. Cut an orange construction paper in the shape of a triangle for the beak.
How do I assemble the Easter egg chick craft?
Glue the 4 popsicle sticks together in the shape of an egg. Glue the yellow oval shape to the top of the egg and the orange triangle to the front of the egg.
Do I need to use a black marker for the Easter egg chick craft?
Yes, use the black marker to draw eyes and a smile on the chick.
(Πηγή: kidsartncraft.com)