Positive vibes…

By Natalia Kalou (B class)

In the noisy confusion of life, where problems and stressful situations are common, especially among young people, we need to adopt an optimistic life attitude and realize that a positive worldview can have plenty of benefits in our lives. So here are some ways you can try to reach a more positive perspective of things:

1)   Use positive words

Words like “I can’t” or “It’s not possible” should not belong in your vocabulary. Try using words that express power and success.

2)   Try repelling negative feelings

There is no need to vanish them. Yes, these are normal, too. Just don’t let them drag you down.       


3)  Remember that everything can be better

We people have the power to change things. We just have to be patient and try.

4)  Dream big

Be a dreamer! Dreams give you hope. Who knows, maybe your dreams one day will be your reality!


5)  Name your obstacles to opportunities

When you overcome your obstacles, you will see that they only made you stronger…

6)  Take a deep breath

Relax, take your time to think, observe and feel! Don’t let rapid lifestyle affect your serenity.


7)  Surround yourself with positive people

People that make you feel good about yourself are important in your life. Share your thoughts and feeling with them and you will be really blessed if you even manage to help them in a way…That’s true happiness!

8)  Smile

Is it not obvious? Smiling makes you happy!!


9)   Find what makes YOU happy

Read books, dance, hang out with friends, watch movies, do whatever completes you! Every single one of us has different preferences…

10)  Love yourself!

Last but not least! If you don’t love yourself, no one will do it…When YOU decide to be happy, you will!


