![Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2023-12-21 180517 - Αντιγραφή](https://schoolpress.sch.gr/53lyceumofathens/files/2024/09/Στιγμιότυπο-οθόνης-2023-12-21-180517-Αντιγραφή-326x245.png)
Erasmus+ My Compass teachers” online seminars
The Erasmus+ My Compass teachers took part in an online training session held by Eulab trainers on how to use a career consulting model for [...]
The Erasmus+ My Compass teachers took part in an online training session held by Eulab trainers on how to use a career consulting model for [...]
One of the two new European Erasmus+ programmes of our school has just started! It is called «My Compass-Enabling students” agency in their route to [...]
The Kick off meeting of the Erasmus+ My Compass took place at the coordinating school, Istituto Omnicomprensivo Orte, VT (Italy), on November 2023. The participants [...]
8 Greek Erasmus+ teachers attended the online training session held on 16.01.2024 by the 2 Greek Erasmus+ My Compass coordinator teachers of 53rd Lyceum of [...]
The second face-to-face meeting of the Erasmus+ My Compass took place in Constanza, Romania, on 13-14 May 2024.The hosting organisation was Liceul Teoretic «Ovidius». The [...]
On June 2024 each partner school was assigned to implement a survey regarding the vulnerable students of the respective schools. Vulnerable students are a target [...]
150 students of Liceul Teoretic «Ovidius», Constanza accessed the CALLING platform in early May 2024 as a pilot survey for the effectiveness of the platform in [...]
The third face-to-face meeting of the Erasmus+ My Compass took place in Poceirão, Palmela, Protugal, on 24-25 September 2024.The hosting organisation was Agrupamento de Escolas [...]
Online training session on 14th October 2024 on the new methodological toolkit on the students” orientation: 40 teachers from the 4 partner schools were trained [...]
Participating in #ErasmusDays is a great way to promote the successes of your Erasmus+ experience and perhaps open the doors to this adventure! Sharing your [...]