The eTwinning story of the 10th Helioupolis Primary School started back in September 2006 when the 6th Graders of that school year participated in the school’s first eTwinning project entitled “Getting to Know each other: A project involving schools from Ireland, UK, Portugal and Greece”. Since then students and teachers of the 10th Helioupolis Primary School have accomplished a lot and they have also acquired even more knowledge thanks to this European eLearning action called eTwinning. Personally, I believe that the highlight of our eTwinning story was winning the eTwinning European Award for the age category 5-11 in 2017.
In an attempt to record our eTwinning history, describe our current eTwinning projects and actions and plan for our eTwinning future, we have decided to create and publish two twinned digital magazines, one in Greek and the current one in English. When the 5th and 6th Graders were invited to join the eTwinning Reporters Club, they volunteered without hesitation.
Our main objective is to give the floor to all the grades of our school to present their eTwinning activities they organize themselves or they participate in throughout the school year 2018-2019. For that, each grade is provided its own column dedicated to the promotion of this grade’s activities. Each column is assigned to a group of four reporters out of the thirty reporters who work on the Greek and English editions of our magazine. The reporters interview teachers and students, take photos of the project process and products, check on the TwinSpace (virtual workspace dedicated to an eTwinning project) activity and complete reports on the events, activities and field trips the children take part in thanks to the eTwinning project they work on.
The second most important objective of the Greek edition “10ο Ηλιούπολης-Σχολείο eTwinning” and the English edition “Our eTwinning School” of our magazine is to bring to the fore all the eTwinning accomplishments, even the small ones, of the students and the teachers of the 10th Helioupolis Primary School. We certainly hope that the effortσ of our young reporters who volunteered enthusiastically to the eTwinning Reporters Club will be successful!
Editor in chief