The Open Market




Thessalonikis’ Open Market is located in the center of the city near Aristotelous square. The Open Market is also called

 and it’s the central and the main  traditional market in Thessaloniki. Around the Open Market there are other smaller ones like Athonos square (the flower market)   and Bezesteni.  The open shops in the market have two floors and there is a roof on top so even when it rains people can continue shopping.

The Open Market took its name from the Turkish phrase

Un-kapan” that means “the flour market”. Many people go there for shopping especially around Christmas and Easter time but you can also find it crowded on Saturdays too.  At the Open Market you can find grocery stores  ,butcher’s , fishmongers , clothes stores and many more.

There are also some small  almost hidden traditional tavernas with live  Greek folk music which are open either in the  mornings or until the early hours and create a very picturesque and unique atmosphere.


Modiano Market  took its name from the  family name  of  this year’s  Literature Nobel Prize winner Patrick Modiano.  Modiano  descended from a rich  Sephardic  (Jews originated from Spain)  family of Salonica and his ancestors”  villa has become Thessaloniki’s  Folklife Museum.


Anastasia  Lefa

