Life after Graduating Senior High School


Undoubtedly, when   students graduate from high school and   start their University life they enjoy the best years of their lives. This is because they have more free time at their disposal and they are looking forward to what the future has in store for them.

First and foremost, they may try to find a job, either full-time or part-time which will provide them with money and experience. They become responsible, mature and can be able to take decisions for their lives on their own. In addition, they live alone or with friends and can go out for a coffee or a walk any time they wish. Finally, they take up hobbies which help them to broaden their horizons, to keep fit and of course to have some fun.

On the other hand, there are people who argue that university students face difficulties too. For instance, they deal with financial problems because it is not an easy task to find a job while studying. Recession   makes things worse.

Furthermore, if they continue studying in a University far from home, they have to move to another place and in this way they won’t be able to see their friends and relatives. What is more, some universities are really demanding and students have to study hard. Last but not least university students must adjust to their new reality and this is something really difficult.

In a nutshell , the years after school are the most carefree years but one should be careful to do everything in moderation that is enjoy life and study hard to make their dreams come true at the same time!


(Vaso, Chrystina, Dimitra, Sissy, Kelly)

