by Nick Alexiou
The English word ‘chimney’ comes from the Greek word ‘κάμινος’ which originally meant a furnace, an oven.
In England, at Christmas everybody relates Santa Claus to chimneys. Through the chimney Santa reaches the fireplace and puts the presents under the Christmas tree. When his job is completed, he climbs up the chimney again to the roof top. But Santa can have a bit of a problem with chimneys too. If a chimney is wide enough, he can slide down with ease, but if it is too narrow, he might get stuck because –well- he is a bit overweight.
Christmas in Greece is related with goblins (kalikantzaroi). These goblins crawl up from the centre of the earth on Christmas Eve and leave again on January 6.At night , they try to sneak into the houses through the chimneys ! If they succeed, they will destroy the Christmas decorations, eat all the candy and desserts and play all kinds of nasty tricks on people. They love to roll in the ashes that’s why the lady of the house must keep the fireplace clean and a good fire always burning to keep the goblins away. It is said that, they are horribly ugly and they use the chimneys to look like Santa because they envy him.
In England too, chimneys and fireplaces must also be swept clean, so Santa won’t get dirty or his uniform get black. Fireplaces are decorated so that Santa feels welcome. Usually people leave cookies and milk under the Christmas tree, but others leave them in the fireplace .In Ireland, they leave beer and bacon rolls for Santa.
In the USA, Christmas chimneys are decorated both inside and outside. They are colourful with a lot of Christmas lights and Christmas stockings on the mantelpiece. Under the tree, children leave pumpkin pie, chocolate chip cookies and a glass of low fat milk so Santa doesn’t get fat. Some people put popcorn chains inside the chimneys and they make marshmallow cookie ropes for Santa to come down the chimney safe!
And here’s a song that tells it all!
βλ.Ν.Γ.Πολίτης,Οι παραδόσεις του Ελληνικού λαού,ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ 2015