fast food

ΑΠΟ: mmichalar - Ιαν• 27•15


…πρόχειρο, γρήγορο και (γιατί όχι;) υγιεινό φαγητό

By Elena Margeti and Irene Pantazi

Fast  food has been around for thousands of years as part of the workforce’s diet. In medieval Greek it was called προσφάϊ. Τhe idea behind it has not changed.It was always meant to be the workman’s cheap-and-fast- meal. What has actually changed is that, fast food has become highly processed, a fact that  made it poorer in quality and dangerous to human health.This is an even more pressing issue if you take into account that the majority of its consumers are children and teenagers.An other thing that is different now, is that the term fast food has become international defining first of all an aspect of Western lifestyle.

Eat Fast, Stay Healthy!

Most  people eat fast food because it is an easy, cheap and quick way to eat, although they know that it is unhealthy. But we are here to change this opinion and to show how we can make our favourite fast food healthier.

  1. Insist on better quality ingredients.

  2. Make sure you get value for money…

  3. Go for fruit and yoghurt instead of sugary desserts.

  4. Avoid fizzy drinks, drink fresh juice.

  5. Ask for olive oil to be used in frying.

  6. Cut down on the  salt and sugar added.

  7. Order some  green salad on the side instead of fries.

  8. Prepare your own fast food at home!

  9. There is plenty of  easy-to-make food  instead of junk food,  for example  fruit salad , home made sandwiches and ice cream.

  10. Learn about healthy eating habits and update your family and friends too!




