By Georgia Gika & Helen Koliadima


We are not keen readers but we were fascinated after reading “Murder on the Orient Express”. It is a mystery story set on a train written by Agatha Christie.

First of all the book is about the murder of the millionaire Samuel Edward Ratchet. It is set in France at the end of 20th century. This book is a book for all ages and especially for those who love crime books. The book is a well-written book which evokes different emotions in every single scene.

It is set in a train which has stacked in a snow bank. Poirot, the famous detective and the main character of the story, hears, that time, a loud thump next door. The next morning Poirot is informed that Ratchet has been murdered and the murder is still aboard the train. Poirot first examines the dead body and compartment. Ratchet has 12 stub wounds. A piece of paper with the name “Armstrong” on it, which Poirot found, helped him to figure out who Ratchet really is and why someone would want to murder him. A few years back a man named Casetti, kidnapped a three-year old girl, Daisy Armstrong. Casetti collected a ransom from the wealthy Armstrong family but killed the girl anyways. Poirot concludes that Ratchet is Casetti. Then Poirot starts interviewing the passengers and conductors on the train. And this is when the action begins.

To sum up, we highly recommend this book. It appeals to people who like quality mystery stories.

