The best movie

By Niovi Sofou, Elena Stremmenou & Odysseas Panoutsopoulos

In our days, movies are considered as a form of art and in our opinion, for sure they are. People all over the world watch movies in their free time. It is entertaining to watch, but also educating, through our observations and feelings about the situation the characters are in, their actions and their thoughts about it. Movies can trigger people’s feelings, emotions and reactions, but also can alter our perspective and the way we think.

There is a plethora of movie genres, but science fiction stands out to us the most. We love a movie with a splash of the unnatural, a movie that even though we know is fictional, alters our brain chemistry and makes us gasp with every scene. If you are like us, you are obligated to watch – if you haven’t yet – the best movie of all time, INTERSTELLAR.


Interstellar is an award-winning sci-fi movie, with great critics and even better plot. It came out in 2014, starring Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway. If you love a thrilling, thought-provoking film, Interstellar is indubitably the best option in the market. In this apocalyptic-like movie, the world is presented in the far future when earth is starting to become uninhabitable.

After some supernatural events have happened, a farmer and ex-spaceship pilot, Josh Cooper, is tasked by the last alive NASA members to pilot a spacecraft to find the most habitable out of the three planets -accompanied with other experts-, so humankind can survive. As a summarized backstory, you need to know that the space organization had send 12 aeronautic experts to inspect the viability of 12 different planets (one each), leading to the recognition of only 3 of them with possible life-existing criteria. That’s where Cooper and the other come in action. With limited resources and different time perception, they have to accomplish their mission in a restricted time period.

They first arrived to a planet which wasn’t habitable. Later on, they visited another one which had the best specifications to be of human adaptation according to one of the former 12 astronauts who was there. However, after their landing, they found out that the astronaut had fooled them. Not having enough time left, Cooper made a rush decision to invade in a black hole, there they found out some unbelievable things.

You can find out more by watching this film on your own. We’ve got only one thing to tell you, the ending of this movie will leave you with your mouth wide open!

