By Katsidima Georgia (A Class)


           Pollution is presence of matter (gas, liquid, solid) or energy (heat, noise, radiation) whose nature, location or quantity, directly or indirectly, alters characteristics or processes of any part of environment, and causes (or has the potential to cause) damage to the condition, health, safety or welfare of animals, humans, plants, or property.


          More specifically, land pollution is the degradation of earth’s land surfaces caused by human activities and their misuse of land resources. There are many factors that contribute to the existence of the problem mentioned above. The main causes and types of land pollution are:

  • Waste disposal Humans produce vast quantities of waste in their homes, in factories and offices, in schools or in hospitals. What’s more, nuclear plants produce toxic waste that can remain dangerously radioactive for thousands of years and, what’s worse, will contaminate anything or anyone that comes into contact with it.
  • Agricultural chemicals It is widely known that farmers who want to make their plants grow faster use all sources of chemicals which are absorbed by the ground.
  •  Urbanization One of the most important problems that urbanization causes is that by concentrating people, their wastes products concentrate at the same time.
  • Mining People exploit the earth’s sources and produce pollution.


The main negative effects are:

  • Soil erosion The chemicals produced from human activities are often toxic and they have hazardous results.
  • Effect on human health Nowadays, because of that pollution there are way more bacteria in the atmosphere and as a result people tend to get sick more often. The toxic chemicals can reach our body through foods and vegetables that we eat as they are grown in polluted soil.
  • Environmental impact
  • Distraction for tourists The city loses its attraction as tourist destination as landfills do not look good when you move around the city.
  • Effect on wildlife It causes extinction of some animal species. Also it forces these species to move further away and adapt to new regions.
  •  Air pollution All the trash produced by people smell really bad and this affects all the residents of the city.

