Tiger: The Hunted Hunter

By Irene Papapavlou & Hara Hourpiliadi (B class)


The tiger is the largest feline and the third biggest carnivore on earth. It can weigh up to 220-660 pounds while measure to 4-10 feet. Its majestic nature has made it the subject of many myths and traditions around the world. Tigers mainly use their eye sight and hearing to find their pray, they don’t really rely on their sense of smell. Usually the tiger hunts alone by lying in ambush in order to get the benefit of the surprise. In some part of India it is said that the locals would have tiger faces painted on their backs when wondering around the forest. This measure was taken in order to give the impression of staring right at them so that they would prevent attacks from happening. Tigers live solitary lives. Every one of them has its own territory in which they live and hunt until death. The hunt is not always successful, in fact it is estimated that only 1 in 10 attempts will provide food. However they can go several days without food but when the find it they can consume up to 40kg of meat! Unlike most felines, they are admirable swimmers. Tigers can easily swim several kilometers to cross rivers and lakes. They give birth to 2-3 cubs every 2 years, although almost half of them won’t get to live for more than 2 years.


Today the tiger is worldwide threatened with extinction. 97% of its population was lost the past 100 years, while only 3.200 remain in the wild. The dense forests that make up their habitat are vastly disappearing. Large companies buy and clear enormous amounts of tropical land which gives tigers less and less space to live. During the last 10 years their habitats have shrunk by 45%. Nevertheless the greatest yet direct threaten for tigers is illegal wildlife trade. They are poached for their skin as well as body-parts which are used in traditional Asian medicine for their supposedly magic powers. Despite the use being banned, the illegal demand is so high that a dead tiger today can reach 70.000 dollars in Asian markets.


Tigers are both feared and admired by people from all around the globe. To save them we have to protect their natural habitat as well as try to eliminate illegal poaching and trading completely. If we don’t fight for their survival they will become a distant legends and rare zoo sightings.



Text: http://www.wwf.gr/index.php/en/endangered-species/tiger

Images: https://www.google.gr/search?q=%CF%84%CE%B9%CE%B3%CE%B5%CF%81&safe=active&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiH7I7l0JjKAhUECywKHVnhB_kQ_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=653#safe=active&tbm=isch&q=tiger+hd&imgdii=u1IrzxtgZC7u0M%3A%3Bu1IrzxtgZC7u0M%3A%3B3zbN5xR45tHheM%3A&imgrc=u1IrzxtgZC7u0M%3A



