Segré: a beautiful and historical city



This the center of the city of Segré. We can see different shops like clothing shop s, grocer stores  and bakeries.There are 6492 inabitants in this city. Segré gets bigger years after years. The population is young because of the two colleges, and the two high schools like Blaise Pascal which is a public high school.

Here, you can see the beautiful city hall which is being renovating at the moment because it is an important building in Segré. It is situated in the center of the city.

This is the cinema. It is a little one but here you can see a lot of good films and when you have time, it’s a good way to spend your free time. There are three projection rooms.  This cinema is maintained by the city hall. The city is concerned by the well-being of its inhabitants.


This is the “Mine Bleue” or Blue Mine in English. It is situated near Segré, in Noyant-la-Gravoyère. It is a former slate mine. Here you can go down the mine and see the place where the miners worked all day long, in darkness. Over there, the working conditions were very hard with a constant danger because slate slabs could fall at any time. Some miners died in these mines since slates fall down on them and literally buried them alive.

Brian Vilchien, Gabriel Houe n’kpe, Pierre Tessier, Julien Renier

