The University Campus(es) of Our City


Being a university student is every Greek teenager’s dream.

They spend their whole high school years trying to figure out their aspiration for the future. Luckily ,in Thesaloniki there are three different State University Campuses to  choose from. The Aristotle University,the University of Macedonia and the International Hellenic University.

The Aristotle University was established in 1925. It is located near the centre of the town and it is one of the oldest and the most prestigious institutions in Greece: It is also the largest in the Balkans! The univesity includes 11 faculties consisting of 36 schools. Among its units there are the Library, the Student clubs, the Sports centre etc. Many notable people have received their honorary doctorates in the Aristotle University such as the poet-Nobel awarded Odysseas Elytis, Harry Markowitz, Roberto Benigni and many others.


Moving forward to the University of Macedonia, you can find out that its main faculties are Economics and Social Studies. It was established in 1957 and today it consists of 10 departments of Business Administration, International and European Studies, Applied Informatics etc. Additionally, the institution includes a Library and Sport facilities centre.


Finally, the third State University is the International Hellenic University, founded in 2005. It is the first State University in Greece whose programmes are taught exclusively in English. Its target is to develop as one of Europe’s leading research and academic institutions. The Hellenic University faculties are composed of academics dedicated to research and teaching excellence. It is the only Campus, out of the three, situated far from the centre of Thessaloniki.

Much more could be said but I believe that you should better pay a visit to Thessaloniki to…»check them out». I would be very happy to show you around :)

Eleftheria Brozou B4

