Learning about the stereotypes of Gender Violence, Prevention of Gender Violence

Topic:Workshops: «Learning about the stereotypes of Gender Violence, Prevention of Gender Violence.»

1st Group

1.  Sex and Gender

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 week 4 days ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.



2.  Agree and Disagree

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 week 4 days ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.



3.  Quiz: Professions, Roles & Activities of Men and Women

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 week 4 days ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.








1.4.  Power Chart

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 week 4 days ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.



  1. 5.  Continuum of Harmful Behaviours to Girls and Boys

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 week 4 days ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.




Topic:Workshops: «Learning about the stereotypes of Gender Violence, Prevention of Gender Violence.»

2st Group

  1. 1.  What is Love?

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 month ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.



  1. 2.  Adolescent Relationships

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 week 4 days ago

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 Ship image



  1. 3.  Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships ––– Recognizing the Warning Signs

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 week 4 days ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.




  1. 4.  Persons and Things

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 week 4 days ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.




  1. 5.  To Address a Problem Matter-of-factly

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 week 4 days ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.



Topic:Workshops: «Learning about the stereotypes of Gender Violence, Prevention of Gender Violence.»

3rd Group

Scenario 1: Kostas and Mary

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 month ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.



Scenario 2: Christina and Paul

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 month ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.



Scenario 3: Stratos and Niki

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 month ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.




Scenario 4: Sofia and John

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 month ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.



 Scenario 5: Flora and Michel

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 month ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.



Scenario 6: Maria and Panayotis

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 month ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.



Scenario 7: Irene and John

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 month ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.



Scenario 8: Ismini and Pavlos

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 month ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.



Scenario 9: Flora and Stathis

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 month ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.



Scenario 10: Katerina and Vasilis

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 month ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.



Scenario 11: Georgia and Petros

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 month ago

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Answer the following apps and when you complete each one, you get a snippet/image (in png or jpeg or …) with the snippet tool. Insert the clip/image into «Go to discussion», adding your name.



Topic:Workshops: «Learning about the stereotypes of Gender Violence, Prevention of Gender Violence.»

4th Group:  The Power and Control Wheel & Equality Wheel

Instructions to students:

What you should do is to list examplesof behaviours that someone would use which can fit under the titles of “Violent Behaviours”, that you have below.


Dating Violence Power & Control Wheel 

Harassment: Follows his/her partner and frequently shows up uninvited. Makes prank phone calls. Spreads rumors. Tries to have contact after the victim has ended the relationship.

Intimidation: Tries to scare his/her partner by smashing things, yelling, driving reck lessly, or with looks and gestures. Threatens to get his/her partner in trouble with fam ily, friends or school.

Violating his/her partner’s privacy: Reads his/her notes to or from other people. Goes through his/her purse, locker or book bag without permission. Forces unwanted intimacy. Refuses to stop “wrestling” when asked.

Threats: Threatens to harm his/her partner, his/her friends or family. Threatens to commit suicide if s/he leaves him/her or doesn’t do what he/she wants. Threatens to break up with her/him.

Using Male Privilege: Acts like he is the boss and what he says, goes. Tells his partner that men make all the decisions. Demands to get his permission to go somewhere or do something.

Limiting Independence: Wants to control what she/he wears and how she/he looks. Pressures his/her partner to use alcohol or drugs. Wants to make all the decisions in the relationship.

Humiliation: Calls her/him names privately or in front of others. Puts down or makes fun of her/him. Inappropriately grabs her/him or shows off her/his personal items in public.

Isolation: Pressures her/him to choose between him/her and her/his friends or family. Pressures her/him to quit activities.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Instructions to students:

What you should do is to list  examplesof behaviours that someone would use which can fit under the titles of «BEHAVIOURS OF EQUALITY «that you have below.


                                         Equality Wheel


Negotiation and Fairness: Seeking mutually satisfying resolutions to conflict. Accept ing changes. Being willing to compromise.

NonThreatening Behaviour: Talking and acting so that she/he feels safe and comfortable expressing herself/himself and doing things.

Respect: Listening to his/her partner non judgmentally. Being emotionally affirming and un derstanding. Valuing the other person’s opinions.

Trust and Support: Supporting her/his goals in life. Respecting her/his right to her/his own feel ings, friends, activities and opinions.

Honesty and Accountability: Accepting responsibility for self. Acknowledging past use of violence. Admitting being wrong. Communicating openly and truthfully.

SelfConfidence and personal Growth: Respecting her/his personal identity and encourag ing her/his individual growth and freedom. Supporting her/his security in her/his own worth.

Shared power: Taking mutual responsibility for recognizing influence on the relation ship. Making decisions together.

Communication: Willingness to have open and spontaneous dialogue. Having a bal ance of giving and receiving. Problem solving to mutual benefit. Learning to compromise without one overshadowing the other


Topic:Workshops: «Learning about the stereotypes of Gender Violence, Prevention of Gender Violence.»

5th Group:  What we can do to stop Intimate Partner Violence: a toolbox of intervention strategies

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 2 months 3 weeks ago

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We will give scenarios to group where an intervention is called for. Try to imagine yourselves in these situations, discuss them within your groups and write down what you would do. Imagine that you know the people in the scenarios but neither of them are close friends of yours –you’re just in the same group of friends.

You can use the “List of Strategies” as a guide to help you  and add to the list any new suggestions that may be offered by the students.



Below are some suggestions for enhancing the discussion of particular strategies:


STRATEGY: «Ask for clarifications…» 

People who express attitudes connected to a violent culture expect people to go along with them, to laugh, to agree, to join in. They do not expect to be questioned. Saying, «I’m not clear about what you mean by that. Maybe you could explain?» or some other form of clarification helps to change the dynamic and flow of conversation. Also, people are encouraged to think about the assumptions that underlie their state ments and attitudes. It is especially important to question in a nonaggressive way.

STRATEGY: «Give… a face to the victim…» 

This strategy rehumanizes the person being demeaned. Reminding someone that their sister, mother or girlfriend might be talked about or treated in this way often reminds people of women’s humanity.

STRATEGY: «Do not accuse… State your position clearly» 

Ask participants how they feel when someone points the finger at them, when someone says in an accusatory voice, «YOU…..» Talk about how «I Statements» are easier for people to hear since they are about the person making the statement, about which people are less likely to become defensive. Instead of saying: “YOU are sexist and this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard”, which puts the other in a defensive position, you could say: “I don’t agree with what you are saying; I believe that nobody deserves to be treated like this”

STRATEGY: «Use your humor…»

This is perhaps the trickiest of all the strategies since humor can easily escalate tensions if people feel they’re being mocked. However, if you use humor effectively, it can reduce the tension inherent in inter ventions. Be careful, though, not to be so funny that you undermine the point you’re trying to make.

STRATEGY: «… without words» 

This strategy carries considerable weight with young people if you connect it with parents, who have the uncanny ability to communicate their displeasure with their children simply by staring at them. No words need to be spoken.

STRATEGY: «Seek others who are like you» 

Studies indicate that 90 percent of boys/men are at times uncomfortable with how their male peers talk about or treat girls/women, but almost all remain silent because they believe they are the only ones who feel uncomfortable. This strategy is designed to let others know that they are not alone in their discomfort. For example, you might simply turn to the group and ask, «Am I the only one un comfortable with this?» This strategy can also be useful when you know someone who has a pattern of expressing violencesupporting attitudes. Friends and/or family can, as a group, do an intervention.

STRATEGY: «Ask for or offer help» 

If you witness a violent incident it may be necessary to call the police and also ask for help from people around you. Do not intervene if you are alone and you feel that it could be dangerous.  Another useful way to offer help would be to make your presence known so the perpetrator is aware that there is an eyewitness to his action.  You could also offer your help to the victim by talking to her/him. This would help her/him feel safer, but you should also keep in mind that it would be better to talk to her/him after the incident is over.


Assessment and Farewell Reflection.

Created by George Arvanitis

Last updated by George Arvanitis 1 day 7 hours ago

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I am providing a link for assessment and reflection.


Students on the assessment sheet can, IN A FEW WORDS, report their feelings, achievement of expectations, etc., with stickies. The area is divided into similar pieces, which can be accessed by moving the area (canvas) with the mouse. It would be good for all stickies not to forget to write their name. The stickies on the bottom right have tools. The first one, on the left, does the editing. The last one on the right cancels the sticky. I am also providing a link for help.

Help – Linoit








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