meet Goulandris Natural History Museum

Natural History Museums, like the  Goulandris Natural History Museum, plays a very important role in the cultivation of environmental empathy, information and education on issues related to the environment and its protection, as well as the preservation of natural and cultural heritage which is in Athens. The  G.N.H.M. emphasizes information and education on the issue of climate change, through various events and also through the first interactive exhibition on climate change entitled «Climate change and us» with the aim of visitors to realize its consequences, the degree to which they affect us, but also the way that each individual can help. As stated on the website of this report «by communicating the message of the report, the new generation is informed about the effects of climate change, so that they can prepare and deal with them in a timely and effective manner. This is the great challenge». It is important that such efforts are promoted and utilized for the benefit of the environmental information and education of the new generation and all citizens.


We asked the Goulandris Natural History Museum for some answers to questions related to the interactive exhibition «Climate change and us», questions about the purpose, the importance and the role of the Museum in dealing with climate change and the education of young people, but also its importance in preservation and dissemination of our environmental cultural heritage. The very interesting answers of the relevant interview presented below were given to us immediately and willingly by: Ms. Nafsika Papavlasopoulou and Ms. Danae Bisylla, from the Educational Department of the GAIA Center of the G.N.H.M, Ms. Dr. Maria Dimaki, Head of the Collections Management Departments of the G.N.H.M. and Ms. Ioanna Lemoni, Marketing and Communication Department of the G.N.H.M.


a. Why does the Natural History Museum give so much importance to the issue of climate change?

For the first time in the history of the planet, man is playing an important role in climate change.Climate change is the biggest environmental problem that concerns the global community as it directly threatens many important aspects of our lives. The Goulandris Natural History Museum is a fascinating ark of Greek nature and at the same time an organization with a huge educational and research project, a pioneer in environmental issues while first laying the foundations of environmental education in 1974. In 2001, the GAIA Center was created, housing the first permanent exhibition in Greece on the environment and in 2022 it was replaced by the new permanent exhibition on Climate Change. Its goal is, through the «Climate Change and Us» Exhibition, for visitors to understand its consequences, the extent to which they affect us, and how everyone can help. Informing the new generation that will suffer these effects, so that they can prepare and deal with them in a timely and effective manner, is the great challenge.


b. What is the main purpose of these reports?

The purpose of the GAIA Center of the Goulandris Natural History Museum is specialized Environmental Research and Education for a new Education, with the main pillars being the development of self-awareness and the review of the relationship between man and nature, as envisioned by the Museum’s founders, Angelos and Niki Goulandris .


c. What is the content of the report and how does it approach the topic of the climate crisis?

The new interactive exhibition of the GAIA center «Climate Change and Us» consists of 18 exhibits with various themes related to climate change, both on a global and personal scale. The axes around which the exhibition is built are: Energy, Transportation, Food Production, Water Use, Waste, Scientific Research, Impact, Personal Responsibility and Globalization. To the visitor of the exhibition is given the opportunity to reflect and realize that all of us, on an individual and collective level, have the responsibility to change our daily life and habits and to contribute as much as we can to the solution of this global problem.


d. Do you think that the information and education of students on the issue of climate change is a key issue, in terms of ways to deal with it?

Like all serious issues that have plagued the planet from time to time, climate change «falls» on the shoulders of future generations. But therein lies the hope for something new, something different that will break the cycle of harmful practices we have inherited. After all, the so-called «green professions» are the professions of the future where their goal will be a more sustainable and circular economy, which we hope will lead to halting the climate crisis, among other things. So if the students are made aware through such an exhibition and decide to inform their family and wider environment to change their habits, then we will have put a stone in the right direction. Only if each of us assumes the responsibility that belongs to him can we claim as active citizens the future we deserve.


e. What is the importance of the Natural History Museum for the dissemination of environmental
and cultural heritage and the protection of the natural environment?

ICOM (International Council of Museums) describes museums as: «…a non-profit institution at the service of society that researches, collects, preserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage…». According to this definition, the most basic element of Museums are their collections. Since its establishment, Goulandris Natural History Museum has had and still has as its main purpose, the recording and study of the natural wealth of our country through the research related to its collections, which are a source of rare specimens that constitute an archive information and a
tool for the various museum activities. The Museum’s collections form the basis for our knowledge of the natural environment, past, present and future. They contribute to the knowledge of the biodiversity of Greece, but also of other countries. They are the bridge that unites scientific knowledge with the general public, and they exist for the purpose of informing and raising awareness of the public, so that through knowledge comes the protection of the environment.


g. What would you suggest epigrammatically as good practices to deal with the issue of the climate

First, we must all take our responsibility. From what we choose to eat, whether we recycle, to the clothes we wear and the cosmetics we use. Now turning a blind eye to how our actions affect the planet is criminal! The more aware we are of environmental issues and understand what actions are being taken locally as well as at the national level, the more we can
demand change in. The active citizen is primarily the informed citizen who understands that he is part of a larger system that connects us all to the unique planet we have.


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