
images bgh

    Nikiforos Rodis, B2

 Synesthesia is a rare phenomenon of neurological nature, in which two or more senses of a person are somehow interconnected. That is to say that the stimulation of a certain cognitive pathway causes automatic and involuntary experiences in a second, unrelated one. People with synesthesia are called synesthetes.


There are various forms of synesthesia, regarding various senses and perception. An example of this phenomenon is chromesthesia, in which one might “see” or associate colors with certain sounds. The most common form of synesthesia is grapheme-colour synesthesia. In this form synesthetes associate symbols –mainly numbers and letters – with specific colors. For instance, when a person with this type of synesthesia thinks of, or reads a numeric sequence or a sentence, the numbers or letters will somehow appear colored, in his mind. This ability might also be quite helpful when it comes to memorizing phrases or phone numbers, etc. In this way, someone might “perceive” a numeric sequence such as:  “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9”, like so, in their mind:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.  The colors associated with various symbols (numbers, letters) however, might vary significantly from person to person.




