My shopping spree

By Marios Nezeritis, Andreas Tsoukarellas and Kanellos Poretsanos


I think shopping is exciting and fun. It relaxes you from every life. I usually go shopping once a week, in my free time, with my friends or only my mum. Of course going shopping with my friend is more fun. If I need extra money my mum gives me. I usually go to a great shopping mall in the city for my shopping spree.

I like bikes. Every day I go cycling. When I go to a great shopping mall, I go to a bike shop and I buy stuff for my bike. I have a great selection of stuff for my bike. Also, I like video games. I haven’t got a great selection of video games because I haven’t got lots of money. I would like a Play station 3 and two video games (Call of Duty Black Ops 3 and Grand the Auto V), but I can’t afford them. Also, I buy clothes and trainers.

Sometimes, my shopping is very exhausting. When I and my friends end the shopping spree, we go to a fast food and eat or to a cafeteria. Oh boy, I just love my shopping spree!!!


