Has Ulysses arrived in Portugal?

Has Ulysses arrived in Portugal?

Ανταπόκριση από τη Σίντρα της Πορτογαλίας. Επίσκεψη στο πλαίσιο του Ευρωπαϊκού Προγράμματος ERASMUS+
Σελήνη Ανθοπούλου
Μαριτάνια Αξιοπούλου
Αθηνά Βασιλειάδου
Κυριάκος Δάρμαρης
Ράνια Μπουτζιλούδη
Δημήτρης Μαργαρίτης
Φωτεινή Μπλατσή
Ευαγγελία Σειρά
Κατερίνα Τσαμούρη
Has Ulysses arrived in Portugal?
The modern Ulysses is young, adventurous goes geocaching and he is ready for the journey of his life!
Seven students and two teachers from Greece, Ulysses” country, came to Sintra with Erasmus program which uses geocaching, a modern treasure hunting which uses GPS, Internet and applications in cellphones. From 15th to 22nd of April, more than 65 students and 20 teachers are collaborating in »Geocaching In and Out Minds on the Move» ERASMUS+ Program. In this way, they are getting in contact with Sintra’s history, nature and culture by searching for caches, solving quizzes, orienteering. The students are hosted by Portuguese families. With them there are also schools from Italy, France, Lithuania, Poland and Spain.
Students of the Senior High School of Intercultural Education of Evosmos are getting more self-confidence, become European citizens and gain new friendships.
Sintra, 18. 4. 2018  The Erasmus team of Gel Diapol EVOSMOS GREECE.


