Music School of Drama

ΑΠΟ: metaxeni - Οκτ• 09•15

The Music School of Drama was founded and opened in 1994 but the new building opened in 1999 -2000. This school year about 340 students attend this school.

The school has participated in international projects and recently excelled by taking the first place among 7000schols from the whole of Europe under the programme «Spring Day in Europe 2006″ participated in the activity on «My proposal for Europe».

In the Music School of Drama students are taught all subjects according to the curricula and timetables of the Ministry of Education. The students of the Music Schools have the opportunity to qualify a comprehensive musical education, in quantity (30 hours general education and 15 music) and mainly quality without lacking in general knowledge. Graduates of the Music Schools are awarde specialty music title after tests, which issues the Ministry of Education and is equal and corresponding to the qualifications awarded by State-recognized – HMC – Musical Educational Institutions – Music Schools.

It ensures a: high level of culture, education and prepares young people for the future.

Graduates of the Music Lyceum achieve important successes in the following Universities: Polytechnic sciences, Mathematics, Educational, Legal, Literature, etc. Also many of the graduates continue their musical studies at the music department Universities.

Students of the Music School have a chance to participate in various shapes, music (vocal, instrumental), theatre and visual arts developing emotional intelligence through aesthetic joy.

