

 Every month students will write articles about the same topic but about the area they live in.

The topic of the first month is: Archaeological sites and monuments.

When we write an article we find some sources to draw the necessary information.Possible sources can be an encyclopedia, a scientific magazine  or even easier the Internet, for example, wikipedia.It is advisable to find the appropriate pictures to accompany our article.We can download them from the Internet and add them to the word document which the students will give to the teacher at school with a USB.Finally, at the end of the article there must be a reference to the sources you used.Questions related to computer use e.g. how to download a picture from the Internet can be answered by the Computer Studies teacher.

VERY IMPORTANT!!! We write our own original text and do not copy-paste the information from the source .It is better to write some lines by yourself rather than to copy two pages from one source! It’s also important to write the sources from which we find information at the end of the article!

Bon voyage to all of us!

