By Maria-Eleoussa Marinou Look for the words: belief, respect, liberty, freedom, education, declaration, dignity, safety, religion, peace, equality, democracy, […]

By Maria-Eleoussa Marinou Look for the words: belief, respect, liberty, freedom, education, declaration, dignity, safety, religion, peace...

The Children are the Future
By Maria Stefanidi & Aphridite-Hara Papachristopoulou ...

Technology Addiction To Teens: What...
By Giorgos Panoutsopoulos, Spyros Papanikolaou & Dimitris Prapas Addiction to technology is also known as Internet Addiction Disorder, Compul...

Should the Money of a Country Be Sp...
By Christeli Paraskevi & Paraskevopoulou Konstantina Many countries which have scientists and experts on space exploration spend a lot of money...