Vincent Van Gogh

My Vincent Van Gogh (By B1 students. Teacher: E. Anagnostakι)
Vincent Van Gogh is undoubtedly one of the most famous painters to ever exist. Despite his fame though, not many know the dark and mysterious man that hid behind his colorful brushstrokes. Since a young age Vincent showed signs of depression with low self- esteem and introspectiveness. At 16, he started working for an art dealer. That was when he began to take interest in art.. At 27, after his brother’s suggestion, he started painting professionally and although this did not prove financially lucrative he continued with his passion. In his own words: “If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint” then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced”.
Van Gogh saw life from a unique perspective, which some might even call beautiful. Even during the hardest period of his life, when he was in the asylum, he could see beauty in the outside world. Vincent deeply appreciated love. Although he did not have any romantic interests in his life he fell in love with the peaceful sceneries and the common people living their everyday lives. And he managed to translate his feelings into art; in its purest form.
The world was cruel to Vincent. And in the end he could not withstand even his own thoughts. However the message he left behind was a beautiful and inspiring one.
“Normality is a paved road; it’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it”. -Vincent Van Gogh
By Ariadni Theodoropoulou
My Vincent Van Gogh has been undoubtedly one of the greatest painters of all times. Known as the “tortured artist”, an amazing spiritual artist living between creativity and madness, his name has remained in history for his excellent work, since he created over 400 paintings and about 1100 drawings in his 37 years of life.
In my opinion Vincent is a very gifted and talented artist, a prominent representative of various streams such as post-impressionism, fauvism and pointillism. It’s not a coincidence that his paintings were sold for millions. Some of them, such as “The Starry Night” or “The Potato Eaters” have become symbols of the artistic world. Vincent’s way of expressing his love for mankind and nature has the power to make us feel like travelling over the past centuries.
Furthermore, Vincent is not only distinguished for his art but also for his special, emotional and romantic character. By reading his letters to his brother we can easily understand that he is a very melancholic and bitterly disappointed person who feels lonely and neglected. However, what I really admire about him is the fact that, even though he suffered from his mental health, his viewpoint to life and nature is amazing lyric and poetic.
To sum up, if we observe the most famous paintings we might get confused while trying to match them with the painters of Renaissance or with those of modern times, but no one is unable to distinct Vincent’s innovative artwork, and that’s why he is one of my favorite painters.
By Dora Athanasiadi
Vincent Van Gogh was a peculiar, tortured artist. His spirit had been broken down and beaten up repeatedly . Yet his beautiful, well-rounded artistry shined through the pain and sorrow.
Rather discouraged by life, Van Gogh was severely depressed and suffered from mental illness throughout his life, ergo he viewed the world much differently from the rest of the people of his time, which, as I see it, is one of the reasons why he was considered such a rebel through his art.
His paintings ooze pain and sorrow, imperfectly perfect, colorized with soul. I get tender going through his life, in connection to various paintings representing his complicated ego.
Emotional, colourful, creative, peculiar, Vincent represents everything art is, everything an artist shall aspire to be, a rebel.
By Dora Theodosopoulou
Vincent Van Gogh was a remarkable painter. He revolutionized art in many ways and was very expressive through his art.
He completed hundreds of paintings throughout his life, all in his very specific style. The paintings were always full of emotion and mostly pain. We can understand many things about him from his art.
I had no idea who he was before this lesson and I am amazed by his spirit. He has most definitely become one of my favorite artists of all time and I will continue to appreciate his work for a long, long time.
By Ioustina Giousef Xela